Wayzata Consulting Group
Art Direction, Logo Design, Illustration & Animation
Client desired a professional brand to evoke the themes of it’s locale, Wayzata MN.
Starting with the Logo
Inspired by yacht clubs pennants, the design references geometric shapes with bold colors to give the impression of a boat sailing to the sunset.
Creating a Cohesive Brand
Inspired by colors from various yacht clubs, I created a palette that was divided into various opacities to ensure a large and flexible system. The design elements stem from a stretch of shops that are iconic to Wayzata, distilled into geometric forms.
Animating Assets:
Allowing for various digital executions, the illustrations were designed and animated on a grid.
Social Animations:
To echo the movement of the buildings, I pulled the line motif into the type treatment in the social posts. The logo was also animated to highlight the natural movement of a boat and sunset, creating a sense of ease.
Outdoor Advertising:
In addition to digital marketing, the client wanted transit advertisements to establish itself within high visibility areas.
In addition to using the illustrations, photography was used on the website to help convey a human connection, designed to tell a story to potential customers. The site highlights WCG’s capabilities, and also emphasizes the personal approach they take in consulting.